RTLSDR v3 on Android TV Box
 This tutorial is also on the official blog


* SDR Touch *
  1. Download and install RTL2832U driver
  2. Download and install SDR Touch - Radio in diretta
  3. Download and install Chiave di SDR Touch    
  •  You launch SDR Touch 
    ( screenshot on my tv with smartphone camera Huawei Mate 10 PRO )


     * RADIO DAB *

      Download and install DAB+ SDR

    •   You launch

 * A.I.S.  (Automatic Identification System *
  1.  Download and install RTL SDR AIS Driver
  2.  Download and install Ships- Receive AIS data from air
  •  You launch Ships -Receive AIS data from air

* SDRoid *
  Download and install SDRoid
  •   You launch SDRoid

Receiving IBC   ITALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION to 5.845 Mhz with Kenwood Ts 2K / Filar dipole 40/80 meters and sw FLdigi. (Wednesday 28.03.2018 H.20:25-20:30 U.T.C.)

Kyodo News

Kyodo News is a radio utility station used by a printing agency of the same name that radiates in short waves. It transmits in HF-FAX format a sort of newspaper page containing the news, in Japanese.

The most easily receivable frequency in Italy is 8467.5KHz USB, the decoding software must be set to 60 / 576LPM (Line Per Minute).


 6606 KHZ 4XZ with CW.Israeli Navy Intellingence.

Info here


DMR decoder with DSDplus+

Tetra decoder with SDRSharp (Windows10)

Receive a package from Taiwan after a 30-meter contact in WSPR

Decoding BIIS 1200 - ETSI 300-230 offline parserInfo )

Digital mode with Yaesu FT-920 and SSTV/Psk31 interface

Receive digital mode FT8 with RTLSDR and panadapter Kenwood Ts 2K

Receive Navtex con MAC

Receive Navtex con Tablet Android ( DroidNavtex )

Receive DCF77 with MultiPSK Clock

DCF77 is a German longwave time signal radio station based at 77.5 kHz. DCF uses an AM modulated carrier and phase modulation sidebands to transmit it's time signal.

Receive faxes with Kenwood TS2000 / Panadapter RTL-SDR

Fast buzzer/Allarm to 4020 Khz

Radio Station WWW Standard time and frequency station - 9.994 Mhz

NIST radio station WWV broadcasts time and frequency information 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to millions of listeners worldwide. WWV is located near Fort Collins, Colorado, about 100 kilometers north of Denver. The broadcast information includes time announcements, standard time intervals, standard frequencies, UT1 time corrections, a BCD time code, geophysical alerts and marine storm warnings.

APRSdroid receives beacons from the ASUS Zenpad 7" tablet microphone and a receiver tuned to 144.800 MHz.

Israeli Morse Station 4XZ  

Most Shortwave Listeners may have noted those endless Morse Broadcasts: vvv de 4XZ 4XZ = =. From time to time messages in several formats are transmitted, which never are confirmed - at least not in a decodable mode.

4XZ is - officially - operated by IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) Navy in Haifa. This may be questioned however, as many properties of the network are those of a Number Station. 1999 Ary Boender'sNumbers & Oddities presented a detailed description of 4XZ in Newsletter 14. Number station group ENIGMA 2000 called it M22 and published in January 2003 a station's profile, but later on cancelled M22 as a Number Station.


Acars HF & Wcode-1

VOA Radiogram


Synop WX + Ship with Google Maps + MultiPSK

