Windows script (Perl) for APRS Beacon via TCP / IP 🚩

Send beacons on with windows, when any PC is turned on, without any RTX, only with a script in PERL language. Let's start ...

  1.  Download and install Strawberry Perl for Windows (32bit or 64 bit MSI edition) from here;
  2.  In a text file on your desktop paste this code replacing your personal information and save the file with .pl extension;

 #! /usr/bin/perl

use IO::Socket;
# --------------
start part to be modified -----------------------

$aprsServer = ""; # server aprs
$port = 14580; # port server
$callsign = "CALL"; # your call
$pass = "XXXXX"; # passcode
$coord = "xxxx.xxN/0xxxx.xxE-"; # coordinates
$altInFeet = 0;
$comment = "xxxxxxx"; # as you like

# ------------- end
part to be modified --------------------------
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
   PeerAddr => $aprsServer,
   PeerPort => $port,
   Proto => 'tcp'

die( "Could not create socket: $!n" ) unless $sock;
$sock->recv( $recv_data,1024 );
print $sock "user $callsign pass $pass ver\n";
$sock->recv( $recv_data,1024 );

if( $recv_data !~ /^# logresp $callsign verified.*/ )
    die( "Error: invalid response from server: $recv_data\n" );

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime();

$message = sprintf( "%s>APRS,TCPIP*:@%02d%02d%02dz%s/A=%06d %s\n",
    $callsign,$hour,$min,$sec,$coord,$altInFeet,$comment );
print $sock $message;
close( $sock );

print "beacon sent.\n"

   3. Try running the script manually and check if you see the icon with your call;

   4.  I am here;

   5.  Now let's automate the Perl APRS script when starting the windows PC and schedule it to be  sent   every TOT minutes: Right button on Computer, go to Computer Management > Scheduler > New.


