TECSUN PL660 out IF 455Khz to SDR

Today I want to illustrate how to obtain an IF output at 455Khz from the TECSUN PL660 analog radio which, connected to the RTLSDR V3 dongle in "Q branch" and a 10pF ceramic capacitor, you can obtain an SDR spectrum on the SDRuno software. Although the bandwidth is small, it is functional for obtaining and decoding digital signals with virtual sound card and other decoding software.


  •  455Khz output on the printed circuit which then becomes 12 Khz 

with a  converter for DRM reception  👈  Video 👈

  • Reception of HFDL signals

  •  Reception GMDSS signals

  •  ObiettivoDX with Tecsun PL-660 and IF out 455Khz > SDRuno



Andrea IN3IWZ said…
Geniale! Complimenti.
Purtroppo le foto risultano troppo sgranate per capire dove sia stato collegato il cavo (coassiale?). Dovendo provare questa modifica su un PL-680, Ti chiedo cortesemente se hai la possibilità di indicare l'innesto su uno schema elettrico del 660, così da potermi orientare. Anche una foto HD andrebbe bene.
Grazie per la condivisione!

Andrea IN3IWZ
IT9YBG said…
Andrea IN3IWZ: At this link high resolution photos for If output at 455Khz (copy-paste link): it9ybg.altervista.org/WXtoImg/Out_IF_455_Khz.zip
Adreno said…
Thanks for the post! Very illustrative. Which is the chip you are soldering on? It would be much easier to follow up on it and possible errors if that was known. Thanks!

IT9YBG said…
Thanks John, but which chip are you referring to?