DumpHFDL decoder

 DumpHFDL is a multichannel HFDL (High Frequency Data Link) decoder.

HFDL (High Frequency Data Link) is a protocol used for radio communications between aircraft and a network of ground stations using high frequency (HF) radio waves. It is used to carry ACARS and AOC messages as well as CPDLC (Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications) and ADS-C. Thanks to the ability of short waves to propagate over long distances, HFDL is particularly useful in remote areas (eg. over oceans or polar regions) where other ground-based communications services are out of range. While many aircraft prefer satellite communications these days, HFDL is still operational and in use. (installation guide here)

  •  DumpHFDL, in my case, is installed on my RaspberryPi3 and I use a RTLSDR V.3 dongle πŸ˜‹ 
 First reception tests on the 15 meters band and VRS (Virtual Radar Server)
Video here 😜

Location on Google Maps without using VRS πŸ˜‰

  • How to get points on google maps
Extract the.log file created by DumpHFDL on Windows. Open the log with notepad++ and get only the coordinates (latitude and longitude), discarding everything else. I created Macros to be faster. Join the first line with the second line separated by a comma and insert, at the beginning of the text, "lat,long". Save and rename the file to .csv. Import the .csv file to Google's "My maps". Good fun! 😏
Video πŸ‘‡

DumpHFDL interfaced with Display-Launcher and Google Earth. Mission accomplished! (RaspberryPi ONLY records log files, view planes when I want) 😊

