Armbian on Amlogic S805 Android TV Box
Installing Armbian 20.10 Bullseye (with Linux 5.9.0) on an old A95X Android TV Box. Everything went well (follow this guide) - New link download - Afterwards I installed OpenwebRx Plus (follow this guide), with RTLSDR V.3 dongle. Now my SDR receiver is online, so I replaced my RaspberryPi 3. The performance of this Amlogic S805 is exceptional, I was very surprised. 😋
👉 Article published on the official blog of RTL-SDR.COM (see here) 👈
OpenwebRx public decoding to MQTT
OpenwebRx receiving DAB
To add the decoder, type in the terminal:
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install dablin
sudo apt-get install python3-csdr-eti
OpenwebRx receiving DSC
OpenwebRx receiving DMR - D'STAR
D'STAR and C4FM mode reception with geolocation on the map
ISS voice passage of December 9, 2024 at 12:05 local time (Click here)
OpenwebRx receiving at 21 MHz in WSPR mode 😉
WSPR reception on 15/20/40 meters with OWR background service. 😆
WSPR reception on 10 meters with OWR background service. 😆
WSPR reception 20-30-40 meters in automatic rotation (background service) 💫
OpenwebRx receiving NAVTEX on 517 Khz
Rx FT8 on 40 Mhz and 50 Mhz
Reception (8 hours) with automatic band switching and OpenwebRx+ background service 😎
Rx ADSB (background decoder)
Rx satellite StratoSat TK-1
OpenWebrx+ background decoder SSTV (11-20 meters) and JS8call👻
Modifico il nome del file u-boot-s905x-s912 in u-boot.ext
Modifico il file /extlinux/extlinux.conf
INITRD /uInitrd
#FDT /dtb/amlogic/meson-gxbb-p200.dtb
FDT /dtb/amlogic/meson-gxl-s905x-p212.dtb
#FDT /dtb/amlogic/meson-gxl-s905w-tx3-mini.dtb
#FDT /dtb/amlogic/meson-gxm-q200.dtb
#FDT /dtb/amlogic/meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb
#FDT /dtb/amlogic/meson-g12b-odroid-n2.dtb
Modifico con # in base al mio dispositivo Amlogic e salvo le modifiche
Inserisco la scheda SD nel mio Android TV e accendo l'alimentazione. Avvia l'avvio di Linux dalla scheda ma si blocca a metà dell'installazione e non procede. Non riesco a farlo funzionare con nessuno dei file che ho provato. Mi potete aiutare? Grazie
Static hostname: arm-64
Icon name: computer
Machine ID: c89ea87dd75d4e68995ac8cb2*******
Boot ID: e98339179d534d28aa261f392*******
Operating System: Armbian 20.10 Bullseye
Kernel: Linux 5.9.0-arm-64
Architecture: arm64
I could not find Armbian 20.10 Bullseye Linux 5.9.0-arm-64 , tried other images without success on my amlogic MXQ with S805 and S905 , is it possible to you to leave an ISO image for us ?
Thank You
tested on my TVbox S905W2 without problems. Except one... the codecs.
In the first screenshot (under "OpenwebRx receiving at 21 MHz in WSPR mode") there are no dmr and dstar, while in the second (under "Rx HFDL") they are present. Did you add them using codecserver-softmbe or codecserver-mbelib-module? If so, how did you do it?
I'm asking you because I've never succeeded on armbian. I can compile and install the modules without problems, but after this the services don't start, not even manually. And the configuration file in /etc/codecserver/codecserver.conf isn't even created. Also tried on Orange Pi PC, always with Armbian obviously, same result.
Thanks in advance,
With my TV Box I didn't find any slowdowns, audio ok! I deactivated Desktop mode from ARMBIAN - CONFIG so I have more memory for OWR+.