First test with Malachite DSP SDR Radio

 Malachite SDR RADIO DSP RICEVITORE SDR  50K-2Ghz  (10.02.22 - Full Activated Firmware 1_10a) 😁

Malachite SDR battery replacement. In the company of its little brother ATS25 max-Decoder.

SSTV reception with Malachite SDR interfaced with HDSR (input I / Q), antenna: 10/15/20 meters rotary dipole.



 Malachite SDR  -  Rx NAVTEX (NAVigational TEXt Messages) to 490 khz - sw: Dl-Fldigi - antenna: MiniWHIP

First tests (indoors) with Malachite SDR and MiniWhip antenna.

Malachite - CAT control and waterfall to a PC

DRM  "All India Radio"  (1930-2030 to 9620 Khz) with Malachite SDR - SDRSharp - Filar dipole homemade antenna.


 6025 Khz Radio Romania Intenational DRM with HDSDR

Malachite - FM broadcasting

Connecting the Malachite DSP  Radio receiver to tablet Samsung Ativ 500t smart Pc with HDSDR input I/Q 

CW decoding of my modified radio probe  😀

Connecting the Malachite DSP SDR Radio receiver to  Pc with SDRuno input I/Q

Connecting the Malachite DSP SDR Radio receiver to  Pc with SDRsharp input I/Q

 Malachite - CAT control with SDRuno


Obiettivo Dx with Malachite SDR. Radio broadcast on March 06, 2022 by Roberto SCAGLIONE - freq. 9610 Khz AM.


 Menú new firmware 1_10a


Malachite SDR RADIO DSP RICEVITORE SDR  50K-200Mhz (Firmware DEMO)

  •  CW - FT8 and Fax decoding with Malachite SDR

  • Wefax

  • WSPR 20 meters (Only 15 minutes)





Don said…
Do you need to purchase licensed software to upgrade to 1.1a?
IT9YBG said…
Yes DON, the code should be provided by your seller, alternatively contact me by mail!
Don said…
Thank you. I already emailed you.
Don said…
I don’t have your email. I left you Facebook message.
Unknown said…

bonjour , je possede un malachite ( clone ) pouvez vous m'aider ? 1.1a possible ? pouvez vous me le programmer ?

bien à vous

Piret Alain
NI said…
Question is that how you updated the software. I have exactly the same model. I tired to update with 1.10C everything goes well (DFU sucess) but at end nothing in radio. I have not tired yet the jumper short and battery removal. Can you help in this regard.

Nabeel Iqbal
Karlsruhe, Germany
IT9YBG said…
Hi, the update procedure for the Malchite clone version is delicate, you need to have a little practice to update. For versions after 1_10a you need the code from the Russian manufacturer and it costs $ 55. I've only upgraded to version 1_10a and that's fine. For those who have updated to version 1_10c, to have version 1_10a in my opinion you need to put first the DEMO version and then the 1_10a version. Contact me by mail for the version I use. I DO NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY IF YOU DO UPDATE / UPGRADE FIRMWARE.
NI said…
I do not have your e-mail neither able to find it on blog. I purchased 1.10C software code from Russia by sending processor ID (some time ago). It has demo version and followed procedure from different groups including processor generation check. Because of not abel to update it goes to shelf and purchased new unit with full software. Now thinking to make use of old Malachite to fit in the Sangean 909x boox (non functional) with High-Z port for telescope and incorporation of ferrite loop antenna for LW/MW. Just to spend few weekends on radio. Offcourse it can not be your liability under any circuimstances. The data of this comment has my active email address.

IT9YBG said…
you write on Contact Form on my blog homepage so I see your email and reply.
iw9ctr luciano said…
ciao vorrei comprarne uno ma ho visto molte versioni e mi ha creato confusione... mi aiuti a capirne di più?
IT9YBG said…
Ciao Luciano, acquista solo Malachite che montano su la versione 1.10a o assicurati che il venditore ti alleghi nella confezione il codice di sblocco.